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أزيو ماوس

BCaaS Business Continuity as a Service

IaaS Public Cloud Service

BaaS Backup as a Service

DRaaS Disaster Recovery as a Service

Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Design, Deployment, Migration, Management and Support

The Public Cloud has the potential to change the way your company operates. We are with you every step of the way, no matter where you are on your journey.

We provide the appropriate architecture for the cloud solution that best suits your company's demands. You may turn to us for in-depth advice, a smooth migration, or round-the-clock assistance. You can rest assured that we will help you to get the most out of the Public Cloud platform.

Backup as a Service (BaaS)

Backup as a Service recovers your data fast and without any disruption

We’ve all been there. Losing data is nothing new. It happens whether you want it or don’t. Data is the fuel that powers your company's engine and carries it ahead. In today's fast-paced, ever-changing world, no company can afford to lose any of its important data. In the past, solid DR and backup plans were traditionally considered costly nice-to-have luxuries.

As our reliance on data grows and the technology around it gets more complex, having a reliable data recovery strategy becomes increasingly important. Let’s admit it: Data and its sources are becoming more complex and with the growing number of ways your IT infrastructure can be disrupted by ransomware, cyber-attacks, natural disasters, hardware or application failure and human error, it’s no longer a question of IF, but when your business will be hit.

Then what? If you don’t have a solid IT resilience plan to protect and recover your business, the cost of disruption, whether in the form of immediate revenue loss, data loss, or company's reputation loss is going to be substantial.

Our Backup as a Service is all about ensuring that your data can be retrieved rapidly with no impact on your running operations.


Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)

Our fully managed Disaster Recovery as a Service guarantees your resiliency towards any unexpected disaster

Disaster strikes in a matter of seconds.

An earthquake, a hurricane, or a computer virus could all shut down your business in the blink of an eye. Data loss can occur for a variety of reasons, including ransomware, power outages, hardware failure, natural disasters, and human mistake.

For companies today being fault tolerance and able to continue running their businesses in spite of disasters are the two biggest factors. Companies must be able to quickly recover from disasters, such as outages caused by natural disasters or operational failures, with as little downtime and financial damage as possible. To that end, a solid Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) plan based on a world-class Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) solution is critical.

While most companies have some form of backup solution in place, only a small percentage of them have proper disaster recovery plans and are ready to deploy the solution in the event of an extreme disaster. Worst of all, the small fraction of businesses that do have a disaster recovery plan in place frequently fail to maintain it properly. If there is a crisis, this condition can be disastrous, resulting in large amounts of downtime, data loss, and customer loss.

Our managed DRaaS plan eliminates any possible damages of that kind. We take full responsibility for disaster recovery.

Business Continuity as a Service (BCaaS)

You never need a continuity plan until you do. You cannot predict when the next disaster will hit, but you can be ready for it!​

Business continuity means having a strategy in place to deal with the unexpected incidents so that your company can continue to operate with the least disruption.

Disasters happen. Their unexpected nature is what makes them so devastating. Being prepared may not prevent the disaster, but it does mitigate the impact on your business.

We will first determine the most probable threats to your company’s most important operational and technical processes and then we will present measures and actual solutions to mitigate the impact of threats to the least possible.

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